Saturday 25 March 2017

Sump screen fitting part 2 of 2

Today I finished the installation of the new straight sump fitting. It required (as usual) more work than anticipated, but it's one of these jobs that take times to complete initially, but that will pay off in ease of maintenance down the road.

Since this new fitting is shorter on the fwd end, it requires a longer sump screen. First thing was therefore to cut a new sump screen to the right length. I used the technique recommended in the Christen Inverted Oil System Manual: progressively trim off the screen until the fitting has a 3/64 gap with the oil sump (without the crush gasket):

Here is a comparison between the two assemblies before the swap:

Once the screen was cut to length, I simply had to insert it in the new fitting and install it on the engine with the crush gasket. No set screw, no circlip, no o-ring : )

Next step was to replace the old straight hose end with a new 60° type hose end in order to properly clear the firewall. Had to cut 1" off the original hose in order to do that. When I tried to connect it, I realized it was going to be a much easier connection if I rerouted slighty the mixture cable, so I did.

After all this, here is the final result:

I'm pretty happy with the outcome: the clearance with the nearest engine mount member has actually increased!

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